



package graphar

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class AdjList extends AnyRef

    AdjList is a class to store the adj list information of edge.

  2. class EdgeInfo extends AnyRef

    Edge info is a class to store the edge meta information.

  3. class GeneralParams extends AnyRef

    General constant parameters for graphar.

  4. class GraphInfo extends AnyRef

    GraphInfo is a class to store the graph meta information.

  5. class Property extends AnyRef

    The property information of vertex or edge.

  6. class PropertyGroup extends AnyRef

    PropertyGroup is a class to store the property group information.

  7. class VertexInfo extends AnyRef

    VertexInfo is a class to store the vertex meta information.

Value Members

  1. object AdjListType extends Enumeration

    Adj list type enumeration for adjacency list of graph.

  2. object EdgeInfo

    Helper object to load edge info files

  3. object FileType extends Enumeration

    Type of file format.

  4. object GarType extends Enumeration

    Main data type in gar enumeration

  5. object GraphInfo

    Helper object to load graph info files

  6. object VertexInfo

    Helper object to load vertex info files
