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Java Library


Based on an efficient FFI for Java and C++ called fastFFI, the GraphAr Java library allows users to write Java for generating, loading and transforming GraphAr format files. It consists of several components:

  • Information Classes: As same with in the C++ library, the information classes are implemented to construct and access the meta information about the graphs, vertices and edges in GraphAr.

  • Writers: The GraphAr Java writer provides a set of interfaces that can be used to write Apache Arrow VectorSchemaRoot into GraphAr format files. Every time it takes a VectorSchemaRoot as the logical table for a type of vertices or edges, then convert it to ArrowTable, and then dumps it to standard GraphAr format files (CSV, ORC or Parquet files) under the specific directory path.

  • Readers: The GraphAr Java reader provides a set of interfaces that can be used to read GraphAr format files. It reads a collection of vertices or edges at a time and assembles the result into the ArrowTable. Similar with the reader in the C++ library, it supports the users to specify the data they need, e.g., reading a single property group instead of all properties.

Get GraphAr Java Library

Building from source

Only support installing from source currently, but we will support installing from Maven in the future.

Firstly, install llvm-11. LLVM11_HOME should point to the home of LLVM 11. In Ubuntu, it is at /usr/lib/llvm-11. Basically, the build procedure the following binary:

  • $LLVM11_HOME/bin/clang++
  • $LLVM11_HOME/bin/ld.lld
  • $LLVM11_HOME/lib/cmake/llvm


  • Use Ubuntu as example:
$ sudo apt-get install llvm-11 clang-11 lld-11 libclang-11-dev libz-dev -y
$ export LLVM11_HOME=/usr/lib/llvm-11
  • Or compile from source with this script:
$ export LLVM11_HOME=/usr/lib/llvm-11
$ export LLVM_VAR=11.0.0
$ sudo ./

Make the graphar-java-library directory as the current working directory:

$ git clone
$ cd incubator-graphar
$ git submodule update --init
$ cd maven-projects/java

Compile package:

$ mvn clean install -DskipTests

This will build GraphAr C++ library internally for Java. If you already installed GraphAr C++ library in your system, you can append this option to skip: -DbuildGarCPP=OFF.

Then set GraphAr as a dependency in maven project:


How to use

Information classes

The Java library for GraphAr provides distinct information classes for constructing and accessing meta information about graphs, vertices, and edges. These classes act as essential parameters for constructing readers and writers, and they can be built either from the existing meta files (in the Yaml format) or in-memory from scratch.

To construct information from a Yaml file, please refer to the following example code.

// read graph yaml and construct information
String path = ...; // the path to the yaml file
Result<GraphInfo> graphInfoResult = GraphInfo.load(path);
if (!graphInfoResult.hasError()) {
GraphInfo graphInfo = graphInfoResult.value();
// use information classes
StdMap<StdString, VertexInfo> vertexInfos = graphInfo.getVertexInfos();
StdMap<StdString, EdgeInfo> edgeInfos = graphInfo.getEdgeInfos();

See test for graphinfo for the complete example.


The GraphAr Java writers wrap C++ interfaces to write arrow::Table into GraphAr formatted files in a batch-import fashion. But arrow::Table is not easy to build in Java. Instead, the GraphAr Java library provide a static method to convert VectorSchemaRoot into arrow::Table. Warning: There are some problems concerning this method which lead to memory leaks. We will fix it or rewrite writers with Apache arrow Java.

With the VertexWriter, users can specify a particular property group to be written into its corresponding chunks, or choose to write all property groups. For edge chunks, besides the meta data (edge info), the adjList type should also be specified. The adjList/properties can be written alone, or alternatively, all adjList, properties, and the offset (for CSR and CSC format) chunks can be written simultaneously.

To utilize the GraphAr Java writer, please refer to the following example code.

// common steps to construct VectorSchemaRoot
String uri = "file:" + ...; // data source
ScanOptions options = new ScanOptions(/*batchSize*/ 32768);
StdSharedPtr<ArrowTable> table = null;
try (BufferAllocator allocator = new RootAllocator();
DatasetFactory datasetFactory =
new FileSystemDatasetFactory(
allocator, NativeMemoryPool.getDefault(), FileFormat.PARQUET, uri);
Dataset dataset = datasetFactory.finish();
Scanner scanner = dataset.newScan(options);
ArrowReader reader = scanner.scanBatches()) {
while (reader.loadNextBatch()) {
try (VectorSchemaRoot root = reader.getVectorSchemaRoot()) {
// convert VectorSchemaRoot to ArrowTable
table = ArrowTable.fromVectorSchemaRoot(allocator, root, reader);
} catch (Exception e) {

// construct writer object
String path = ...; // file to be wrote
StdString edgeMetaFile = StdString.create(path);
StdSharedPtr<Yaml> edgeMeta = Yaml.loadFile(edgeMetaFile).value();
EdgeInfo edgeInfo = EdgeInfo.load(edgeMeta).value();
EdgeChunkWriter writer = EdgeChunkWriter.factory.create(
edgeInfo, StdString.create("/tmp/"), AdjListType.ordered_by_source);

// write table with writer object
writer.sortAndWriteAdjListTable(table, 0, 0); // Write adj list of vertex chunk 0 to files

See test for writers for the complete example.


The GraphAr Java reader provides an extensive set of interfaces to read GraphAr format files. It reads a collection of vertices or edges at a time as ArrowTable. Similar with the reader in C++ library, it supports the users to specify the data they need, e.g., a single property group.

To utilize the GraphAr Java reader, please refer to the following example code.

// construct vertex chunk reader
GraphInfo graphInfo = ...; // load graph meta info
StdString label = StdString.create("person");
StdString propertyName = StdString.create("id");
if (graphInfo.getVertexInfo(label).hasError()) {
// throw Exception or do other things
PropertyGroup group = graphInfo.getVertexPropertyGroup(label, propertyName).value();
Result<VertexPropertyArrowChunkReader> maybeReader =
graphInfo, label, group);
// check reader's status if needed
VertexPropertyArrowChunkReader reader = maybeReader.value();
Result<StdSharedPtr<ArrowTable>> result = reader.getChunk();
// check table's status if needed
StdSharedPtr<ArrowTable> table = result.value();
StdPair<Long, Long> range = reader.getRange().value();

See test for readers for the complete example.