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PySpark Library


The current policy of GraphAr project is that for Apache Spark the main API is Scala Spark API. PySpark API follows scala Spark API. Please refer to GraphAr Spark library for more detailed information about how to use GraphAr with Apache Spark.


The GraphAr PySpark library is provided for generating, loading and transforming GraphAr format files with PySpark.

  • Information Classes: As same with in the C++ library, the information classes are implemented as a part of the PySpark library for constructing and accessing the meta information about the graphs, vertices and edges in GraphAr.
  • IndexGenerator: The IndexGenerator helps to generate the indices for vertex/edge DataFrames. In most cases, IndexGenerator is first utilized to generate the indices for a DataFrame (e.g., from primary keys), and then this DataFrame can be written into GraphAr format files through the writer.
  • Writer: The GraphAr PySpark writer provides a set of interfaces that can be used to write Spark DataFrames into GraphAr format files. Every time it takes a DataFrame as the logical table for a type of vertices or edges, assembles the data in specified format (e.g., reorganize the edges in the CSR way) and then dumps it to standard GraphAr format files (CSV, ORC or Parquet files) under the specific directory path.
  • Reader: The GraphAr PySpark reader provides a set of interfaces that can be used to read GraphAr format files. It reads a collection of vertices or edges at a time and assembles the result into the Spark DataFrame. Similar with the reader in the C++ library, it supports the users to specify the data they need, e.g., reading a single property group instead of all properties.

Use Cases

The GraphAr Spark library can be used in a range of scenarios:

  • Taking GraphAr format data as a data source to execute SQL queries or do graph processing (e.g., using GraphX).
  • Transforming data between GraphAr format data and other data sources (e.g., Hive, Neo4j, NebulaGraph, …).
  • Transforming GraphAr format data between different file types (e.g., from ORC to Parquet).
  • Transforming GraphAr format data between different adjList types (e.g., from COO to CSR).
  • Modifying existing GraphAr format data (e.g., adding new vertices/edges).

Get GraphAr Spark Library

Building from source

GraphAr PySpark uses poetry as a build system. Please refer to Poetry documentation to find the manual how to install this tool. Currently GraphAr PySpark is build with Python 3.9 and PySpark 3.2

Make the graphar-pyspark-library directory as the current working directory:

cd incubator-graphar/pyspark

Build package:

poetry build

After compilation, a similar file graphar_pyspark-0.0.1.tar.gz is generated in the directory pyspark/dist/.

Get from PyPI

You cannot install graphar-pyspark from PyPi for now.

How to Use


GraphAr PySpark is not a standalone library but bindings to GraphAr Scala. You need to have spark-x.x.x.jar in your spark-jars. Please refer to GraphAr scala documentation to get this JAR.

// create a SparkSession from pyspark.sql import SparkSession

spark = ( SparkSession .builder..conf(“spark-jars”,
“path-to-graphar-spark-x.x.x.jar-file) .getOrCreate() )

from graphar_pyspark import initialize initialize(spark)

After initialization you can use the same API like in GraphAr scala library.